Thursday, June 14

A little podcasting

So this past Monday I had the privilege of being on The Home Recording show with John Tidey and Ryan Canestro.

Here's the link:

I've had this podcast at the top of my list for a good little while now, and it was great fun to get to jump on and talk audio with those guys.  I actually catch quite a few different podcast on a regular basis, an THRS always jumps to the top of my list when a new one comes out. 

I dig this podcast because it's got a killer structure (Ryan and John read all of the reader's comments and joke around to start the show, then they do segments) and the guys are knowledgable, fun to listen to and the running inside jokes remind me of the antics that happen on my fav sports radio station (the Ticket).

The whole experience was super chilled out and fun.  John asked if I wanted to do a show, I said sure, he pinged me one day and asked if I would jump on, and away we went.  Because I've been a fan of the show for a while, it felt very comfortable just hanging out with a couple of guys that I feel like I already know and talking about whatever.

So head on over to their website, subscribe to the podcast, buy through their amazon link, etc.  This is a good show to support.

Good times. 

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